Borgo 4.0

Smart mobility:

technologies for a new humanism

Smart mobility technologies for a new humanism

Laboratories, technologies, and infrastructure: Borgo 4.0 is a platform of knowledge and skills designed to rewrite the future of the car.

Promoted by ANFIA, the National Association of the Automotive Industry Supply Chain, chaired by Paolo Scudieri, head of the international Almas group, the platform is created with the involvement of a public-private partnership involving 54 companies in the sector, 3 public research centers, 5 universities in Campania, and the CNR, for a total of 200 researchers involved.

Through research, development, and technology transfer actions, the project gives life to the first example in Italy, in the village of Lioni in the province of Avellino, of an urban and extra-urban smart road designed to test the most advanced solutions related to autonomous and connected mobility. New traffic and infrastructure monitoring systems, innovative materials for safer and lighter cars, technologies for electrification and the ecological transition of the sector, solutions for the provision of infomobility and intelligent maintenance services, all major trajectories of the future of the automotive industry are involved in the 16 research projects developed by Borgo 4.0.

Thanks to the extensive network of researchers, companies, and universities involved, Borgo 4.0 is therefore configured as an international reference model for sustainable mobility.

Borgo 4.0 is a project financed by the Campania Region for a total of 73 million euros, of which 46 come from the Campania POR FESR 2014/2020 action lines and about 27 are represented by the private co-financing of companies.

The affirmation of the sustainable mobility paradigm sees the Borgo 4.0 platform engaged in specific implementation paths:

  • Plan A: Project plans for research infrastructure
  • Plan B: Project plans for the implementation of cooperative R&D projects between companies and research organizations
  • Plan C: Project plans to support the experimentation of models and derivative innovation projects
  • Plan D: Project plans for the dissemination of innovative models for sustainable and safe mobility

Click on the active points to discover some of Borgo 4.0’s innovations

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